Media Interaction Design


Incorporate physical interactivity in traditional graphics by interweaving
digital information with tangible materials and develop a new interactive


Prof. Woohun Lee

Team Mate

Mathew Nam

Initial Concepts

Chosen Medium

When Inspiration 'strikes'

⚡ Pitch 1

Early Experiments with the medium
Inspiration from Youtube

Concept 1.1 - An Electric Pet

Concept 1.2 - Digitalogue Clock

Explorations with physical material

Organic material turned out to be a bad material for this use as the voltage generator produces around 15kV(apparently). At this voltage, the material acted as a conductor and din not lead to many interesting outcomes.

⚡ Project in progress ⚡

After consultation with Prof. Woohun Lee, we decided to go ahead with the Digitalogue clock. Currently we are in the process of making 7-Segment displays using these electric arcs.

Custom TIP-120 based board, to control the arc generators using Arduino

[Latest Update]

Final Exhibition

Visitors enjoying during the exhibition