Game Idea #N

Co-thought out with Aayushi
The core concent of the game is a humorously presented idea that all humans are just meat suits filled with valuable organs. (That's how an analyst at Blackstone sees them xD). The idea came from the fact that people offer the same possibility of being 'gutted', re'organ'ised, and sold for parts for a higher price than it takes to buy a meat suit.

Note: This game wont allude to slavery because it will have people of all colour gender etc. Or could be rethemed to Zombies or some suitably abstract choice

So as a core mechanic, the players would buy "Bodies" at a certain price. These bodies will contain various "organs" such as Heart, Brain, Kidneys, Livers, etc. Depending upon their particular "Bag" they can get a bunch of bodies that have organs worth different amounts because of quality etc. Β An alternative to this is that all individual organs are commodity but the market demand/pricing determines how much a particular organ is worth at the moment.

The market can be a randomly generated demand led model. This can potentially be clubbed with a mechanic where if you open up a body for an X organ, you might have to sell the other organs off for little money and or ruin the demand for other players. So you will have to balance, your organ supply and when you sacrifice the bodies to get the parts.

Other ideas include being able to buy a "refrigerator" of sorts that lets you store organs and ride out of price fluctuatuion.

Another upgrade can be to allow people to mix humans and make new Organ bags. Some of these new people could have very strong hearts/4 kidneys, great hair etc. They can be sacrificed to yeild that one thing, and the player doesnt incure a new loss from the loss of unused organs.